Saturday, April 9, 2016

Beauty or Beast?

Now I already know what you are, that purse has a lot going on. I know because that was my first thought when I saw it.

I was at one of my favorite thrifting spots, walking down the isle minding my own business. As I was approaching the racks of purses to my right, I purposely turned my head to the left as not to even look at them and be tempted to buy another purse which I do not need. As I am doing good , not looking, I start to smell leather. You know, like when you go into a leather shop? The smell of good quality leather fills my nostrils and I have no choice now but to seek out where that beautiful smell is coming from. As I start to look around, I see this purse and think to myself  Noooo.... not this one! I picked it up and touched it and smelled it. Yup! This was it. I was deflated but at the same time excited because the purse was only $4.99. Even at that, low, low price I momentarily had to think about it. It is not something I would normally buy.

Like I said, there is a lot going on here. I pulled out my smart phone and decided to look up the name inside the purse. that would be the deciding factor if I would part with my $4.99 or not. The metal tag inside said Colini Handbags USA. Ok, now I'm more impressed that is was made in the USA. I look up the brand and it is described as "creating dramatic and unique" handbags. These purses are not worth a fortune but a heck of a lot more that what I ended up paying for this.

Yes, I bought this purse, still turning up my nose at it thinking I would put it on eBay and sell it and make some money. Well...I never got around to that. The purse sat in my closet for months. One morning getting ready for church, I was wearing all black and decided I would try out this purse for an accent to my outfit. To my surprise, I had several compliments on it. I ended up using it all week and had compliments on it wherever I went. Now this purse that I almost didn't buy is one of my favorites because it is so different.

Make it a great day!

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